Thursday, November 28, 2019

Theatre 102 Essay Example For Students

Theatre 102 Essay Kelli Cole, Jennifer Rodriguez, Rebecca Cohn, Delores DavisDecember 7, 2004Drama begins with the characters standing in a horizontal line at about themiddle of the stage, with arm at sides. Each character steps forward whentalking and steps back when finished with their lines. Rebecca: Why are we doing this?Jennifer: Why do I care about other peoples beliefs?Delores: Why am I here?Kelli: What happens when I die?Delores: Why do we all have different religions?Rebecca: Whats the purpose of life?Kelli: What do I believe?Jennifer: Who am I?Delores: Who am I?Kelli: Who am I?Rebecca: Who am I?When Rebecca is finished speaking the cast moves back one step with theexception of Jennifer who performs her monologue first. Before Jenniferstarts, the other cast members each take a pose that represents theircharacter. These poses are held during all the monologues, unless you arethe character giving your monologue. We will write a custom essay on Theatre 102 specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Jennifer: Yeah real Catholics right!Yeah real saints they wereTo them its the right thing to doThey go to church Praise the lord!But then they come back and torture usTo hit their childNo No No No to beat them senseless RosaI know you understand, youve been there. I will never think of touching my daughters like what they have done to me. There is no way to forgive them for thatI had to live in the streets because they have tortured me and scared mefor life. I lost my faith because of thatI do believe there is something good out thereIm not just ready to accept it right now. They were monsters!and to think that they had love for God but, not for memaybe because I was an orphan. A bastard child!After Jennifer performs her monologue, she steps back into the line withthe cast and takes her pose, Kelli drops her pose and steps forward toperform her monologue. Kelli: I have no church affiliation. I do not believe there is a God. See,I said I dont believe in God, I dont hate God and it isnt that I dontwant there to be a God, I just dont believe there is a God. Why you ask?Just look around, look at all the hate, poverty and the violence, What kindof a God would do that to us? I dont believe anybody could sit above usand watch this world and do nothing, Ijustdontbelieveit. Hmmm.Church and State? I Dont really know how I feel about that. Iguess its good for those who believe it. For those of us that dontbelieve and I can only speak for myself, I just dont say it, dont talkabout it. And with under God in the pledge, it isnt mandatory to say thatpart and I just dont say it. I am not against God and one of my bestfriends is a Christian, I just do not believe it and I never will, but itdoesnt bother me if you do. After Kelli gives her monologue, the characters all drop their pose andenact a scene from Saved. Scene from Saved: The scene will play in the background with the soundplaying. The cast of the drama will perform the movements of the scene, butnot repeat any of the dialogue. Dialogue that will be going on from Saved:Hilary Faye: We pray for all the perverts, but especially for Dean. We jointogether and beg you to rid him of his unnatural perversions. May you leadhim out of the darkness Lord and into your divine light. That was good,that felt really nice you guys. Thank you so much. That was good prayer. .u681cad5f0944ecc9934d308a5dfb2336 , .u681cad5f0944ecc9934d308a5dfb2336 .postImageUrl , .u681cad5f0944ecc9934d308a5dfb2336 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u681cad5f0944ecc9934d308a5dfb2336 , .u681cad5f0944ecc9934d308a5dfb2336:hover , .u681cad5f0944ecc9934d308a5dfb2336:visited , .u681cad5f0944ecc9934d308a5dfb2336:active { border:0!important; } .u681cad5f0944ecc9934d308a5dfb2336 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u681cad5f0944ecc9934d308a5dfb2336 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u681cad5f0944ecc9934d308a5dfb2336:active , .u681cad5f0944ecc9934d308a5dfb2336:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u681cad5f0944ecc9934d308a5dfb2336 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u681cad5f0944ecc9934d308a5dfb2336 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u681cad5f0944ecc9934d308a5dfb2336 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u681cad5f0944ecc9934d308a5dfb2336 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u681cad5f0944ecc9934d308a5dfb2336:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u681cad5f0944ecc9934d308a5dfb2336 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u681cad5f0944ecc9934d308a5dfb2336 .u681cad5f0944ecc9934d308a5dfb2336-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u681cad5f0944ecc9934d308a5dfb2336:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: History Behind Much Ado About Nothing EssayHi Mary. Mary: Hi. Hilary Faye: How are you? Its good to see you. Weve been waiting for you. We were just finishing up, so if you have anything else you want to add,Jesus is still listening. Mary: Jesus isnt listening Hilary Faye. I did everything I could to saveDean and he still ended up at Mercy House. Hilary Faye: Okay, lets take a breath,Mary: What can they say and do that I havent already done?Hilary Faye: Excuse me, youre embarrassing me. We have to pray about this. Prayer works, its been medically proven. You know that. Mary: Just lay off me, Hilary. Hilary Faye: Wait a minute, give me that. You could pollute the jewels andeverything we stand for. And I cant have that. Goodbye. Mary: I hope you know this is all a waste of time. At the end of the scene Rebecca starts her monologue and all the castmembers retake their poses. Rebecca: Separation of church and state? What are you talking about? Notcompletely right? Our government was founded based on the principles of thechurch. You cant take away the foundation of our government now when it issuccessful just because a few people think there should be a separation. The separation of church and state was created to keep the state out of thechurch not the church out of the state. Well yea the church should not beruling the state but that does not mean that our trusty leaders can notfall back on their own religious morals and refer to Christianity. Christianity in the school systems is good because it is instillingmoral fiber in our children. Giving them an opportunity to grow spirituallyand providing them with a moral base. Without religion in school a lot ofchildren will not have an outlet for spirituality. The church is used as anoutlet for good. With religion in the schools we are guiding out societybased on church teachings that are for the best in terms of health, wellbeing and spirituality. Church based educations provide more of a moralbackground and therefore should be kept in our education system. After Rebecca gives her monologue, she steps back and retakes her pose andDelores steps forward and gives her monologue. Delores: Okay, so Im Jewish.who cares? I mean I believe in God, justnot in Jesus. My people believe that he is a prophet. ButIm not reallysure. I mean Id have to double check my Torah. Anyhow, whats this aboutchurch and state? I really dont care. Like I said I believe in God.butif it said In Jesus we Trust then maybe Id have a thing or two to sayabout it. Just like in the pledge of allegiance, if it said Jesus I thinkId have a problem, because then it would only be subjectiveforChristians. And we Americans have the right to choose. God in Americacan be anything you want it to be, a dog, a cat, whatever. Anyhow, its notreally an issue for me, I really dont care. We all have the right tobelieve in whatever we want. And for those who think that church and stateshould be combined, obviously dont care about others beliefs. I meanthats what Christian and Catholic schools are for, right?! I dont knowwhat Im talking about. I mean until it becomes an issue, I really dontcare. After Delores gives her monologue, all the characters all drop their poseand move to enact the second scene from Saved. Scene from Saved: A second scene from Saved will be played while again thecast will act out the movement without any dialogue except the sounds fromthe movie. Dialogue that will be going on from Saved:Hilary Faye: Hurry, hurry, get her, get in the van. Hurry Tia. Now, get herin here, get her in. .uf33b540d4d5cee4819d5570f5ab7aee3 , .uf33b540d4d5cee4819d5570f5ab7aee3 .postImageUrl , .uf33b540d4d5cee4819d5570f5ab7aee3 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uf33b540d4d5cee4819d5570f5ab7aee3 , .uf33b540d4d5cee4819d5570f5ab7aee3:hover , .uf33b540d4d5cee4819d5570f5ab7aee3:visited , .uf33b540d4d5cee4819d5570f5ab7aee3:active { border:0!important; } .uf33b540d4d5cee4819d5570f5ab7aee3 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uf33b540d4d5cee4819d5570f5ab7aee3 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uf33b540d4d5cee4819d5570f5ab7aee3:active , .uf33b540d4d5cee4819d5570f5ab7aee3:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uf33b540d4d5cee4819d5570f5ab7aee3 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uf33b540d4d5cee4819d5570f5ab7aee3 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uf33b540d4d5cee4819d5570f5ab7aee3 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uf33b540d4d5cee4819d5570f5ab7aee3 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uf33b540d4d5cee4819d5570f5ab7aee3:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uf33b540d4d5cee4819d5570f5ab7aee3 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uf33b540d4d5cee4819d5570f5ab7aee3 .uf33b540d4d5cee4819d5570f5ab7aee3-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uf33b540d4d5cee4819d5570f5ab7aee3:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Lucent Technologies EssayMary: Get off me!Hilary Faye: In the name of Jesus Christ, I command you. Leave the body ofthis girl. Mary: Youre performing an exorcism? Get off me!Hilary Faye: Get back here Mary, weve got to get rid of the evil in you. Tia: Its Gods will. Mary: Gods will?!Tia: Christ died for your sins. Hilary Faye: Okay, wait a second. So are you not going to accept ourintervention here?Mary: You mean your kidnapping? No!Hilary Faye: You are back sliding into the flames of Hell. Veronica: Youve become a magnet for sin. Weve all witnessed it. Mary: Sure Veronica, acting all pure. What about last spring break at thepromise makers rally, huh?Hilary Faye: Oh my God, you are making accusations as we are trying to saveyour soul? Turn away from Satan. Jesus, he loves you. Mary: You dont know the first thing about love. Hilary Faye: I am filled with Christs love. Mary: Oh God. Hilary Faye: You are just jealous of my success in the Lord. Mary: This is not a weapon, you idiot. After the scene, all characters will go back to their poses and stepforward one at a time as they say their line. The characters will droptheir poses as they move forward. Jennifer: Who am I?Rebecca: Who am I?Kelli? Who am I?Delores: Who am I?ALL: Who are you?

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Free Essays on Individual Retirement Accounts

Many people often live their lives without considering how they plan to retire. People do not realize that the idea of living solely on the benefits of social security is not realistic. In order to secure a comfortable future, people must have some type of additional income. Sacrificing a small amount of money into an IRA at a relatively early age could make a considerable difference in the lives of people upon retirement. When planning for retirement, Individual Retirement Accounts offer several benefits; however, careful planning is essential to ensure that: upon retirement there is an adequate amount of money saved, that the heirs to the IRA are chosen carefully, and that unnecessary taxes and penalties are avoided. It is important to consider how much money will be needed for a comfortable retirement. Careful planning is essential when considering an item with such importance. Phaneuf states that, according to figures used by most financial planners, upon retirement the average person will need roughly seventy percent of their current income to continue living their present lifestyles (94). With only income from Social Security and money saved in bank accounts, most people are unable to achieve this goal. Furthermore, one must also consider, for a retirement account to be effective the account has to maintain interest rates above that of inflation. Inflation increases approximately four percent annually; and standard bank accounts barely beat this rate. In fact, at present, most savings accounts have an interest rate below four percent. Thus, regular savings accounts are not a practical method to save for retirement; however, IRA’s offer deferred taxes on the interest e ! arned until the money is withdrawn from the account. Therefore for a given amount of money, there is a considerable advantage when saving in an IRA. In order to qualify for an IRA one must make under $95,000 and if married under $150,000.... Free Essays on Individual Retirement Accounts Free Essays on Individual Retirement Accounts Many people often live their lives without considering how they plan to retire. People do not realize that the idea of living solely on the benefits of social security is not realistic. In order to secure a comfortable future, people must have some type of additional income. Sacrificing a small amount of money into an IRA at a relatively early age could make a considerable difference in the lives of people upon retirement. When planning for retirement, Individual Retirement Accounts offer several benefits; however, careful planning is essential to ensure that: upon retirement there is an adequate amount of money saved, that the heirs to the IRA are chosen carefully, and that unnecessary taxes and penalties are avoided. It is important to consider how much money will be needed for a comfortable retirement. Careful planning is essential when considering an item with such importance. Phaneuf states that, according to figures used by most financial planners, upon retirement the average person will need roughly seventy percent of their current income to continue living their present lifestyles (94). With only income from Social Security and money saved in bank accounts, most people are unable to achieve this goal. Furthermore, one must also consider, for a retirement account to be effective the account has to maintain interest rates above that of inflation. Inflation increases approximately four percent annually; and standard bank accounts barely beat this rate. In fact, at present, most savings accounts have an interest rate below four percent. Thus, regular savings accounts are not a practical method to save for retirement; however, IRA’s offer deferred taxes on the interest e ! arned until the money is withdrawn from the account. Therefore for a given amount of money, there is a considerable advantage when saving in an IRA. In order to qualify for an IRA one must make under $95,000 and if married under $150,000....

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Healthy Eating Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Healthy Eating - Essay Example For instance, nowadays, we are aware that cholesterol or fat is of two varieties, one that is good for health and the other that is positively harmful to the human body. In addition, people are lured by unhealthy food, on account of its attractive appearance and taste. Some methods for avoiding such food have been suggested in this work. These methods have been shown to be extremely effective in preventing their practitioner from falling prey to unhealthy food. Finally, conclusions were arrived at and recommendations were made. In order to remain healthy, it is important to avoid unhealthy eating or overeating. Bad eating habits can be eliminated by developing the desire to eat right. In addition to making up one’s mind to get rid of a bad habit, one should undertake a properly planned series of actions that will help in achieving this objective. Mere will power is insufficient to realise goals. Instead of relying on the force of will, one has to undertake well planned measures to convert one’s desires into reality. This applies to healthy eating, and one should comprehend the specific situations or conditions that provide opportunities for overeating. Such conscious knowledge is of great importance (Eating Right: A New Self-Control Paradigm 2009: 1). A healthy diet used to consist of a balanced diet of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. This was supplemented by the recommended amounts of vitamins and minerals. Adherence to such a diet provided sufficient energy and nutrients to the body. A healthy body effectively prevents disease. Subsequently, the development of science, served to extend the concept of a healthy diet. Although, the essential components of a well balanced diet remained unchanged, considerable knowledge was gained regarding the exact combinations within each food group (Eating for health 2008: 2). Overeating is a problematic habit and it should be relinquished as soon as possible, so as to avert harmful

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Clockwork Orange Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Clockwork Orange - Movie Review Example The soundtrack to the movie mostly features classical music selections, as well as Moog Synthesizer compositions. He the leader of a small gang. The gang engages in an ultraviolence evening fighting and beating up other people even the elderly as well as another gang then stole a car they went to a writer’s home and bit and crippled him. There is a disagreement among members an Alex reasserts the group leadership then attacks another home where he gets captured by police. In prison, rehabilitation procedure is tough and ends up curing Alex from his brutality to inability to fight back or even feel anything before a naked woman. The prison governor justifies the technique by explaining that that their work is to reduce crime as well as reducing congestion in prison. After release Alex becomes homeless and faces many problems. He later finds himself in hospital injured. After tests he finds he is no longer an able man. The minister comes by and apologizes to him to save his political carrier. With his love for music, Alex is convinced to accept

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Analyze and compare two companies strategic management areas Essay

Analyze and compare two companies strategic management areas - Essay Example The company businesses span oil and gas sector, automotive distribution, information and communication, home appliances, travel and logistics alongside offering large spectrum of services to growing consumer base. On the other hand Milaha Corporation was established in 1957 and is one of the largest and most diversified maritime and logistics companies within Middle East. The company’s operations range from ocean transport as well as offshore support services including third party logistics alongside ancillary solutions (Blanchard, 2010). Organizational leadership in Mannai Corporation utilizes public relations in the provision of variety services to all authentic stakeholders. This is ensured through existing peaceful environment that allows stakeholders to enjoy quality service and product provisions. Such provisions would make the organization to be identified with qualities such as fun-loving, service minded and spirited capabilities (Wieland and Marcus, 2011). The significance of the value equation within Mannai’ s marketing department involves service strategies that aim at full satisfaction of already existing clients for the purposes of maintaining good percentage of market share. The inclusion of value equation within international market ensures that such organization acquires right positioning in a way that ensures delivery of value added substance, which is capable of providing vital, reliable and dependable information on products and services. In this case, value equation determines benefits expe cted from products and services. However, the whole process is dependent on, time and finances as the key factor in transaction. The Milaha Corporation’s supply chain management comprises of a team of experts who ensures that maximization on the product delivery processes from the production all along to customers. In this case, the company uses customized solutions for the purposes of

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Romantic Era Of Opera Music Essay

The Romantic Era Of Opera Music Essay The Romantic Era was a period in music in which there was much change during the 1850s to the 1920s in the theory and compositional practice of music. The composers wrote their pieces with more artistic freedom, experimentation, and creativity than the artists of the classical era and this caused the melody to become the more dominant feature in the songs composed. Some popular composers that originated out of this era are: Robert Schumann, Franz Schubert, Frà ©dà ©ric Chopin, and Richard Wagner. For inspiration, many Romantic composers turned to visual arts, poetry, drama and literature, and to nature itself. These influences led composers to express emotion in their music. These changes in the sound of the music came in the form of the increased use of dissonance and the extended use of chromatics. Although Romantic era music contained classical era roots, the instruments used in the Romantic era were changing and brass and woodwind instruments were being improved in the quality of sound, as well as in how they were played. Some Romantic era composers used their compositions to express nationalism by the way of incorporating elements unique to their native cultures, such as folk songs, dances, and legendary histories. Mikhail Glinka is an example of a composer who wrote operas specifically on Russian subjects. Many great operas derived from the Romantic era including Gaetano Donizettis Lucia di Lammermoor, as well as Gioachino Rossinis The Barber of Seville. Opera was very dominant in Italy where the operas differed from the operas of the classical era because the form of the pieces were being changed by having the tenors given the heroic lead in operas and by giving the chorus a more important lead than before. Gioachino Rossini was the first composer to initiate an opera in the Romantic era, which started in the early 19th century. His first piece, La Cambiale di Matrimonio, included scenes where the characters expressed emotion through the lyrics of their songs. This was a comedic opera that was the first of its kind which was written in 1810. Many great composers followed Rossini including Vincenzo Bellini, Gaetano Donizetti, and Giuseppe Verdi. These composers continued to change the way operas were being written as well as preformed. These changes were evident in Verdis first success ful opera, Nabucco, which the general public found interesting because of its great choruses. Verdi also continued to express nationalism in his operas, Va, pensiero, which was interpreted as giving meaning to the struggle for Italian independence and Verdi was expressing his hope to unify Italy. By the end of the Romantic era, opera had become a combination of many art forms including the theatre, dance and orchestra oriented music. Although opera was predominant in Italy, many other European composers were contributing to the changes in the music of their generation, including German composer Richard Wagner. Richard Wagner was born on May 22, 1813 in Leipzig, Germany where he had a difficult childhood. Wagners father died of typhus six months after Richards birth which led his mother Johanna Rosine Wagner, to begin living with the actor and playwright Ludwig Geyer, who had been a friend of Richards father up until his death. Richards mother then proceeded to marry Ludwig Geyer and they moved the family to Dresden. It is here where Wagner started his musical learning. Richard first took interest in his step fathers love for the theatre and performance arts and he played an angel in a play at a local theatre. When he was seven, Wagner was enrolled at Pastor Wetzels school at Possendorf, near Dresden, where he received some piano instruction from his Latin teacher. A year later his stepfather died which led the ei ght year old Wagner to attend the Kreuz Grammar School in Dresden. Although Richard was largely a self taught musician he persuaded his family to allow him to take music lessons. From 1828-1831 Wagner completed his first lessons in composition with Christian Gottlieb Mà ¼ller and by the time he was fifteen he had already written his first play. Wagners focus on drama is one of the reasons his operas really shined as being different than operas of the classical era. He enrolled at the University of Leipzig in 1831 where Wagner further took composition lessons from Christian Theodor Weinlig who refused to let Richard pay for the lessons he was giving him. Weinlig was so impressed with Wagners talents that he arranged for one of Wagners piano works to be published. Wagner continued his studies in music and he completed his first opera when he was twenty years old called Die Feen. This opera would not be produced until half a century later when it was premiered in Munich shortly after his death in 1883. Around the time he wrote his first opera, Wagner married the actress Minna Planer, who he moved to Riga with where he became the music director of the local opera house. His relationship with his wife was a troubled one in that she left him once for another man, but came back to him before they moved to Paris due to fleeing from tremendous debt. In 1862 he returned to Germany, where he moved in with Ludwig II. After the success of his opera, Tristan und Isolde, he decided to do more traveling around Europe where he created such classics as Siegfried and Gà ¶tterdà ¤mmerung. Towards the end of his life Wagner decided to settle in Italy where wrote his final opera, Parsifal. Parsifal was first preformed at the Bayreuth festival which occurred at the opera house in which Wagner himself funded. After the second Bayreuth festival the Wagners decided to take a trip to Venice in the winter of 1883. It is here where Richard Wagner passed away due to a heart attack. In his long musical career Wagner created thirteen operas including the most notable Rienzi, Der fliegende Hollà ¤nde, Tristan und Isolde, and Der Ring des Nibelungen. It was clear that Wagner was changing the way operas were being preformed, and he continued to push the music further into the Romantic era by viewing operas as total art works.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Corruption in US Government Essay -- American Government

The story of the founding of the United States is a story nearly every United States citizen understands at the very least a rough version of. The story of how a group of patriots overthrew standing British power who were invading their rights to privacy, taxing them unfairly, and overall not giving the colonials a square deal. This story gives American’s pride in their identity and government. It also serves to legitimize the current US Government, for the current officials follow the same Constitution set up by those Patriots who fought the British. However, since the founding of the US Government there have been numerous cases in which the government has betrayed its people and committed corruption. When the media finds out about such a corrupt act, generally a scapegoat bears the entirety of the blame. In this paper I will argue that this is wrong, and in reality corruption occurs on several different levels and is carried out by multiple people. One of the examples of US government corruption that had a major impact on the American people is often overlooked. Fred Hampton, a leader in the Black Panther Party during the late 1960’s was deliberately and brutally murdered by the US government on December 4, 1969. This act not only infringed on his rights in the worst possible way, it also had an immeasurable impact on the progress of African Americans in American society. Hampton was a rising leader within the the Civil Rights Movement, and at the young age of 22 had a lot of potential. There is no way for us to know exactly what his impact would have been had he been able to live his life to it’s natural death, but we can be sure that he had great skills and worked hard when it came to the advancement of the African American... ...ntative democracy, which means that the people govern through representatives. When the public has no way to know the full truth of which representatives have been true to the will of the people, then we lose the democracy. It is admittedly easier to simply choose a single person to cast the full blame of corruption on an individual. However, it is not a practical way to allow the public to govern. They have a right to the truth and both the media and the government have responsibility to see this right is fulfilled. Works Cited Hampton, Fred, Mike Gray, and Howard Alk. The Murder of Fred Hampton. Chicago, Ill: Facets Video, 2007. Krakauer, Jon. Where Men Win Glory: The Odyssey of Pat Tillman. New York: Doubleday, 2009. Print. Lardner, Richard. "Retired Three Star General Kensinger Censured in Cover Up after Tillman Death." Associated Press (2007): Web.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Franz Kafka “Before the Law” Essay

In his story, Before the Law, Franz Kafka suggests that obstacles that one faces in life can either be used to mold one’s success or bring about one’s failure. If one can overcome the challenges that they are faced with, they grow in a unique type of way, for every individual perceives each situation in a distinct fashion. That unique type of growth is what establishes a person’s character and perception of the world. However, if one cannot overcome their obstacles, then they cut off their means for growth and are left uninspired, forgetting any dreams or aspirations. It is through the man’s interactions with the doorkeeper, and his inability to overcome this obstacle, that eventually leads him down the path of complacency and failure. It is the doorkeeper in this parable that keeps the man from gaining access to the law, and his inability to pass this doorkeeper that leads to his demise. It is important to realize that the man strives to reach â€Å"the law†, however he winds up getting only as far as the doorkeeper. A question arises here, what would have happened if the man was able to overcome the doorkeeper and enter the gate? The doorkeeper himself somewhat provides an answer to this question when he warns the man that he is â€Å"only the least of the doorkeepers. From hall to hall there is one doorkeeper after the other, each more powerful than the last. The third doorkeeper is already so terrible that even I cannot bear to look at him.† Of course these are difficulties that the man from the country has not expected, and instead of taking his chances, the doorkeeper gives him a stool and lets him sit down at one side of the gate. The man failed to realize that even if there were another doorkeeper behind the first door, he would have been able to face him with the experience and knowledge gained by overcoming the initial doorkeeper. Why was the man so foolish to just sit there and let his life pass him by? This concept of attaining knowledge applies not only to the man from the country but also to every in ordinary life. By the man not overcoming one of the challenges in his life, he was not able to strive and succeed in meeting the goals that he has set forth for himself. When one overcomes their challenges, the knowledge that they hav e gained from that experience merely provides them with necessary tools to face a more difficult situation. Overcoming all of these situations or challenges is like climbing a mountain towards excellence and achievement of ones goals. A prime example of trying to overcome challenges in every day life in order to  succeed is myself. I am a first year college student who is on the rocky road towards success. I am continually meeting one challenge after the next, striving to achieve every one of the goals I have set for myself. From elementary to high school and now to college, I am using the things I have learned, the tools I need in order to meet the next and more difficult challenge in my life. Unfortunately, the man accepts the stool that the doorkeeper offers him where â€Å"he sits for days and years.† The man never gains any sort of stature, for he looses out on all of the potential growth he could have gained by standing up to the doorkeeper. Why didn’t he stand up? What made him so weak that the doorkeeper was able to take such advantage of him? All of these questions are now brought into the picture because of the man’s stupidity in just giving up not only with the doorkeeper but also with himself. Before the man realizes that he has reached a state where he is looked down upon, and questions asked of him â€Å"are put indifferent, as great lords put them.† Unaware of the hole that he has dug for himself, the man eventually loses total sight of his original goal of reaching â€Å"the law,† and the man fixes his attention almost continuously on the doorkeeper. He even reaches the point of begging the fleas on the doorkeeper’s coat to grant him access to â€Å"the law† if the man were to only realize from the beginning that the gate was placed there for his own personal self-development. The lessons he could have learned by pushing beyond the initial doorkeeper would have more than likely built him into a totally new person, with unique talents and insights gained from his experience. Instead he gives up on himself, he grows old and never reaches any of his goals, and he never achieves his aspiration. The doorkeeper then finally points out, that â€Å"no one else could be admitted here, since the gate was made only for you. I am now going to shut it.† This closing of the gate was the end to everything the man wanted, all of his hopes and dreams have now been shut behind a door and are now irretrievable. The author gives us a sense of sorrow towards the old man for not being able to achieve his wants and desires. Instead, we learn a valuable lesson in the story about the life one leads. One must be prepared to face the challenges that life present. If one is able to overcome their challenges, they will grow from their experience and form their own unique personality. If one cannot overcome their obstacles, they may spend their life stuck in a rut of complacency,  never achieving any goals or dreams that they once had. The poor old man from the country had to learn this important lesson out for himself.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Sulfur Hexafluoride, the Anti-Helium

Sulfur Hexafluoride, the Anti-Helium Sulfur hexafluoride is a non-toxic, invisible gas that you can use to perform interesting chemistry demonstrations. Breathe it in and make your voice much deeper when you talk. Pour it into a container and float an airplane or a ship on nothing. In a way, it is like the anti-helium gas, because while helium is about six times lighter than air, sulfur hexafluoride is six times heavier. Sulfur Hexafluoride Facts Inorganic compound with a chemical formula SF6Non-polar gasNon-toxic, odorless, colorlessnNn-flammable at room temperature and pressureOctahedral geometryPoorly soluble in water; soluble in nonpolar organic solventsDensity of 6.13 g/L at sea level Fun Things to Try with Sulfur Hexafluoride Float Your Boat: Pour sulfur hexafluoride into an aquarium or large beaker. It is heavier than air, so it will sink. You can float light objects on the invisible gas, such as a paper airplane or a boat made from aluminum foil. If you use a cup to scoop up some of the sulfur hexafluoride and dump it into a foil boat, you can sink it.Talk or Sing with a Deep Voice: Sulfur hexafluoride is denser than air, so sound travels through it more slowly. If you breathe in a lungful of sulfur hexafluoride, your voice will become much deeper. Even though sulfur hexafluoride is non-toxic, you need to use care when performing this demonstration to avoid hypoxia and fainting (the same caution applies to helium). Dont breathe the gas for prolonged periods of time. Where You Can Get Sulfur Hexafluoride Sulfur hexafluoride is a specialty gas, used in medicine for eye surgery and ultrasound imaging; in industry as a tracer gas, dielectric, and as an etchant; and mixed with argon as an insulator between layers of windows. It has enough uses that you may be able to find it at a store that sells specialty gasses (try the yellow pages), such as oxygen, argon, and nitrogen.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Compare a product(beer) in two different brand

Compare a product(beer) in two different brand IntroductionIn order to understand the purpose and significance of the integrated communication process, it is useful to compare to brand within the same product category. This report seeks to provide an understanding of the effectiveness on campaign strategies. In doing so, a critique of the contrasting creative strategy and communication objectives will be attained. An insight on target market and market partitioning approach comes into the scope of this report.Product CategoryThe product category chosen is food/drink product, especially on beer product. The following two brands are both from foreign market, with high reputation in Asian and Europe respectively.Our Tiger Beer campaign was "Discover the tiger" sourced from The Face (February 2003) (See Appendix A).The competing brand for comparison will be the "Reassuringly Expensive" campaign from Stella Artois done by BBDO, which was an award-winning ad on several advertising ceremony. (See Appendix B)Communication ObjectivesSince Tiger Beer is unfamiliar to Western market, the objective here mainly focuses on brand awareness to the target customer.English: Stella Artois can and bottleEncouraging consumers who have never try our brand to try it by using a creative headline. In this sense, our brand is informing target customers the existence of our brand, try to penetrate into the Western market. We aimed to change the target market's image of Asian brand and move consumers through to purchase. In fact, Asian beer brand are rarely advertised on Western countries magazines, Tiger Beer wish to differentiate itself from other foreign competitors through the message "Discover the tiger". Which achieve a high awareness by leaving a question mark to most of the reader.The communication objectives for Stella Artois include brand attitude and brand recognition. As this beer has been on the market for a long time, advertising has moved from brand awareness to brand recognition, it...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

UK Banking Sector Reforms Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5750 words

UK Banking Sector Reforms - Dissertation Example The business environment in the modern world has become highly volatile. Different sectors make reformations that aim at responding to these changes in the economic, legal-political, technological and sociocultural environment. The United Kingdoms banking sector has experienced myriad reforms in the memorable past in this regard. Deregulation of the banking sector in the 1970s and 1980s in the United Kingdom enabled banks to take vantage of the lucrative opportunities that came with financial innovation and globalization. As a result, functionally large and geographically diverse banking groups have emerged in the United Kingdom. The public-policy attention in the United Kingdom has been focused primarily on the costs of the banking sector, which is dominated by complex and large institutions that appear too important to fail. New players and products have emerged in the industry over the last 50 years. Banks in the United Kingdom have continued to become larger and central to the provision of a full range of financial services. The emergence of highly interconnected universal banks in the banking sector has completely harnessed the economic network and tremendously increased the likelihood of system-wide contagion. The condition has been a characteristic of individual banks distress.

Friday, November 1, 2019

FINAL EXAM Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

FINAL EXAM - Essay Example They are less important for managing or hedging against short-term exposures because demand uncertainty is always lower in the short term. In addition, operational hedging is likewise less crucial for commodity-based firms that face price rather than quantity uncertainty. Financial instruments are greatly used by forms to hedge against short-term exposures while operational hedges are used greatly to hedge against long term exposures. The foreign currency cash flows of firms that have plants both in foreign and domestic location are not independent of the exchange rate. And therefore, optimal financial hedging policy should entail forward contracts as well as foreign currency put and call options. Natural hedges helped MNCs to offset unexpected fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates especially operational hedges that are associated with geographical diversification. Operational hedging often compliments financial hedging. For instance, MNCs use financial derivatives to mitigate risks exposures while they are operationally hedged, geographically diversified. Financial instruments are used to reduce the basic component of profit variability while geographical diversifications (operational hedges) can reduce firm-specific risk exposures. The use of both financial derivatives and operational hedges improves firm value. Operational hedges are not perfect substitutes for financial risk management. In the case of CARREFOUR S.A., Carrefour used financial market instruments, Forward contract, to hedge against their foreign currency borrowings in order to maintain total debt requirements at 97% in Euros. MNCs often use both parallel loans and currency swaps to achieve a similar objective. For instance, they provide a cheaper form of debt because they easily borrow in their respective countries and then swapping the debt. Both parallel loans and currency swaps helps the MNCs in