Monday, February 24, 2020

Cutural psychology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Cutural psychology - Essay Example All countries have not arrived at the same compromises in these respects, but global consensus is a pressing need. Variations in culture can distinguish nations from each other (Heine). The theocratic countries of the Middle East stand out in sharp contrast, with a dominant cultural form all of their own. It is not language, dress, and customs, which define culture entirely: the overwhelming predominance of one faith puts its own stamp on how people behave and interact with each other. The Hindu Kingdom of Nepal and the Vatican are other examples of cultural uniformity through faith within territorial boundaries, though they are marginal in the political equations between countries. There is little room for variations and minority expressions in such societies, for the pressures to conform are irresistible. People tend to be conservative, and much importance is attached to observing customs in the ways of ancestors. Individual rights recede in to the background, and faith is used to suppress even relatively minor dissent. There are strong moral undertones to regimentation in such countries. It would be unfair to blame organized religion for putting culture in straight jackets. Totalitarian states have the same effect, and even put religion down with heavy hands in order to establish the unitary authority of governance and ideology. Petty dictators and monarchs tend to strike some kind of understanding with religious authorities, but political establishments are not inclined to share power. The extent to which such bigotry was practiced by the erstwhile Soviet Union is not visible in the China of the 21st century, but the primacy of the State is essentially a Communist phenomenon. People with liberal minds may rejoice at the modern culture of Europe and the United States, given that individual freedom has such priority in these

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Computational fluid dynamics in filters Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Computational fluid dynamics in filters - Essay Example Essentially, a CFD simulation protocol is so computationally intensive and involves such esoteric mathematical skills (because it involves the solution of non-linear partial differential equations) that individual efforts at completion of these Herculean tasks is next to impossible. So, recently many software companies have sprung up that provide requisite software tools for the same (most notably FLUENT). The operational protocol of such companies (e.g. FLUENT) is briefly outlined below.A virtual prototype of the fluid model to be examined is built within the ambit of a Computer Aided Design (CAD) package which is characterized by a unique and suitable computational mesh which in turn is created after accounting the boundary conditions and specific fluid material properties for the operation. Standard preprocessing software tools such as GAMBIT, TGrid and G/Turbo are supplied to the customers by these companies. The rest of the protocol is efficiently conveyed in the following state ment in the official home page, "CAD geometries are easily imported and adapted for CFD solutions in GAMBIT, Fluent's own preprocessor. 3D solid modelingoptions in GAMBIT allow for straightforward geometry construction as well as high quality geometry translation. Among a wide range of geometry tools, Boolean operators provide a simple way of getting from a CAD solid to a fluid domain. A state-of-the-art set of cleanup and conditioning tools prepares the model for meshing. GAMBIT's unique curvature and proximity based "size function" produces a correct and smooth CFD-type mesh throughout the model. Together with our boundary layer technology, a number of volumetric meshing schemes produce the right mesh for your application. Parametric variations are also inherent to the process." For varied computational mesh requirements, other meshing tools as ANSA, Harpoon, Sculptor and YAMS are available. SOLVING [1] This step involves computer simulations of real world conditions by evaluating and assessing product functional efficiency in the specified boundary conditions. Several commercially available suites of softwares, most notable of them being FLUENT, FloWizard, FIDAP, and POLYFLOW (from FLUENT Corporation) boasts of intensive and flexible parallel computing capabilities that enables faster and accurate modeling by solving flow dynamics mathematics involving Navier-Stokes and Eulerian equations. An ideal software suite should have the following attributes- (a) An interactive platform that allows changes to be affected during analysis which saves time and enable more efficient refinement of designs thereby making the learning curve shorter and modeling process faster. (b) Physics and interface functions should be customizable according to design requirements. CFD FOR FILTERS 4 (c) Computational mesh capability should be dynamic and adaptive enough to be compatible with a wide range of physical prototypes which will enable modeling complex moving objects in relation to flow. POST-PROCESSING [1] It is the final step in CFD simulation where the data gathered in the previous computing step is harvested and analyzed in detail to provide a layman's interpretation of the same for broader comprehension and interpretation. Several layers of reporting of the same set of data can be done according to the audience,