Saturday, December 28, 2019

Human Resources Management - 1025 Words

INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Midterm Exam Instructor: å•Ÿé™ ½Ã©â‚¬ ± Name: Mayling Jou ä ¾ ¯Ã§ ¾Å½Ã§Å½ ² Student ID: D0042335 Department: BIBA (sophomore) Due Date: November 8th, 2012 Part I) Employee death sparks outrage at sourcing factories in China (2009). 1. Was Mr. Sun’s reaction to the accusation of the theft something that only might be expected in China? I think the suicide of Mr. Sun was not only an escape for the accusation of theft something, but this reaction involves more than the theft of an intellectual property. Behind the simple fact of a theft, there are many other factors that made him kill himself, such as shiftwork and late night work, excessive working hours over a short period, long hours with inadequate†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ Spell out venue, choice of law and jurisdiction, particularly if the subcontractor that the business is working with is located out of the country. Part II) Work Councils and â€Å"Inform and consult† In the EU: HP Acquires Compaq. 1. What do the EU directives on works councils and â€Å"Inform and Consult† require in a situation like this? To whom do these directives apply? The EU Directives require companies with more than 1,000 employees throughout the EU and, with at least 150 employees in each one the two countries, which can lead the establishment of works councils to receive information and consultation in all the decisions of the company. All this is really important, because it provides values that cut across national borders. In addition, the larger employers not only need to establish works councils, but must also establish a Europe wide council. This means that any decisions, such as work restructuring, plant or office closings, or even the movement from one country to another (outsourcing, layoffs, workforce agreements), all require firms to inform and consult with their councils previously to the implementation of those kinds of decisions. So, this is applied for all multinational firms. 2. What is it about European culture that has led to the development and implementation of these sorts of practices and policies? Why haven’t they developed inShow MoreRelatedHuman Resources Management : Human Resource Management1140 Words   |  5 Pagesa business efficiently? Human Resource Management (HRM). Human Resources is the solid foundation that practically oversees the entire organization, whether its managing employees to surveilling the progress of every single department. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Teaching Race Explicitly in the Classroom Essay - 4727 Words

Teaching Race Explicitly in the Classroom Many literacy experts point out the fact that at the college level, black students who attend all-black schools tend to be more successful than those attending predominantly white schools. Even though these schools often lack resources and financial stability, they nonetheless produce more high achieving black students than predominantly white schools. For instance, according to Fleming, black students attending Historically Black Universities and Colleges (HBUC) have higher graduation rates than those attending predominately white institutions. Also, students who graduate from a HBUC and go on to attend predominantly white graduate schools do just as well as students who have graduated from†¦show more content†¦Now, we were mainly taught by white teachers whose lessons reinforced racist stereotypes. For black children, education was no longer the practice of freedom (2-3). Gloria Ladson-Billings, author of The Dreamkeepers: Successful Teachers of African American Children shares the same sentiments: †¦School seemed a lot like home. Everyone there was black†¦The teacher was an attractive, neatly dressed African American woman who told us how much fun we were going to have and how much she expected us to learn. I thought school was a pretty neat place. It was safe and clean, with people who cared about you: again, a lot like home (4). From the perspectives of hooks and Ladson-Billings, segregated schools offered black students a more empowering education because it was free of racist stereotypes and run by black teachers and administrators who cared about the welfare of black students. The one ingredient that black educators and black institutions share in the successful teaching of black students is teaching race explicitly. In other words, black educators share a consciousness of race that is reflected in their personal philosophy, teaching instruction, and curriculum. According to hooks, black teachers were on a mission. She says, Teachers worked with and for us to ensure that we would fulfill our intellectual destiny and by so doing uplift the race (2). In order to successfully teach black students one must careShow MoreRelatedThe Freedom Writers1584 Words   |  7 Pagesthe experiences they had to undergo due to the racial tensions and violence existing in the society. The movie is an enrapturing representation of the way in which a teacher revolutionizes the process of classroom teaching to bring about integration among students divided in terms of colour and race. The movie also emphasizes the importance of social capital and associational or inter-communa l form of civic engagement for harmony and development. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

State Behavior the International System-Free-Samples-Myassignment

Question: Does Power help us understand State Behaviour in the International System? Answer: Assistance of power, in understanding the state behaviour in the international systems Power is one of the most essential components in the context of international relations. Power is often defined as on actor in a social relationship, who is in the position of carrying out his own commands, along with ensuring followers, to follow his principles (Baylis, Owens and Smith 2017). The power in international relation is observed as a potential that is dependent on several factors such as geographical position and size, natural resources, population, tangible resources such as industrial development, employment and technical advancements, along with intangible resources such as national image, public support, leadership, loyalty of the citizens of the country (Adler-Nissen and Pouliot 2014). The modern concept of international power defines both economic and military power. Power, as a concept gets least attention in the international theory. The various types of power and its uses on the international relations have been highlighted in this assignment. The role of power, in understanding the international systems has been shed light upon, in this assignment. While studying international relations, development of various terms such as hard power, soft power, smart power, institutional power, compulsive power, productive power has been defined. However, the concept of power has two dimensions (Finnemore 2009). This includes the kinds of social relations through which the capabilities are affected, and the specificity of the social relations (Berenskoetter and Williams 2007). However, for the social theorists, social relations are viewed as the relations of the interactions among the earlier constituted social actors and the relations of constitution of actors as specific kinds of social beings. The expression of power, whether it is interaction or constitutional, has a major significance. One of the positions of this dimension treats the relations as actions of pre-constituted social actors with each other in the society. In this dimension, the role of power is either through behavioural relations or social interactions (Berenskoetter and Williams 2007). The other dimension consists of the social relations of constitution. In this case, the power works through social relations. However, the constitutional relations cannot be reduced to the actions or interactions, of the actors. According to Barnett and Duvall (2005), power is irreducibly social. The distribution of the power and its display in the international relations are as follows: The first system is the hemonic system in which there is only one dominant power (Finnemore 2009). For example, today the world is under the hegemonic state with the US being sole military power. Moreover, the world also sees US as the economic super power. The second system is power distribution is the bipolarity system where two superpowers dominate their power. For example, the period following the Second World War could be called the period of bipolarity as during this period, there were two major powers which dominated the world, namely United States and Soviet Union (Finnemore 2009). The third kind of power distribution is the multipolarity in which more than two dominant or superpowers exert their power in the world. For example, the situation, following the Peace of Westphalia or the Treaty of Westphalia in the year 1648, was considered to be multipolar (Finnemore 2009). Use of power capabilities The wide variety of the capabilities, which are related to power, is not enough. These capabilities need to be used in order to alter the behavior of other people. Since power has a key role to play, in the international relations, hence the use of power has to be done effectively. The power is dependent on various factors such as the geographical position and location (Barnett and Duvall 2005). Moreover, the acquisition of the natural resources, the population of the country, along with the tangible and intangible resources that are possessed by the nation has a major role to play (Drezner 2009). For example, US is highly developed in technological fields, along with education, healthcare, space research. The countries in the United States are called the first world countries, since they possess power, knowledge as well as natural resources. Thus, the US is often seen as an epitome of power in the international relations. In the modern world, the role of power is seen within a globalized international system. Countries like USA were found to fight alone during the 2003 Iraq invasion. This was done by the display of military measures of power. Globalization is also seen as a US-dominated phenomenon because it is exercising its power positively. The sanction of the international economic sanctions acts as a useful tool to support authoritarian government in exercising international norms (Kahler 2015). Hence, globalization has acted as a source for hegemonic stateies to display economic supremacy by ignoring human rights and other standard norms. Therefore hegemonic countries impose their believe to rest of the world and other cultures struggle with the rules because they are not equipped economically and militarily and they are compelled to agree with the rule. Moreover, using their economic and military capacity to enforce these rules. For example, United Nations Security council, World Bank, IMF are some of the institutions that hold vast power in IR. Since they were created by United States (US) it gives extra advantage to the US over other states and more authority compared to other states. The power capabilities The power capabilities, that establishes a country at the top of the power pyramid includes the military power, political power, economic power as well as the social power. Military capabilities The power, as defined in the international relations often refers to the military power that a nation possesses. The military weapons and armed forces that a country possesses often highlight the power in a country (Barnett and Duvall 2005). The possession of the nuclear power and large standing army is often highlighted as the face of power in the international relations. Economic capabilities Along with the possession of the military capabilities, the economic capabilities also highlight the display of the international power. Economic strength is one of the major strengths that is possessed by a country, in order to be a leader in the international power world (Drezner 2009). Another measurement that highlights the economic capability of a country in the international market is the gross domestic product (GDP) (Dahl 1957). The total market value of all the goods and services that are produced within the country often highlights the economic strength and capabilities of a country, thus giving the country power. Political capabilities A strong political background, with no or less opposition from the other political parties, will ensure the possession of power in the world. Moreover, countries that are politically unstable will not be able to stand up and protect other countries, during periods of crisis. Hence, political stability and strength has a key role to play in the international relations. Thus, it could be concluded that power has a significant role to play in the identification of the state behavior in the international relations. The possession of military power, economic power, and political power highlights the state behavior in the international relations, in the world. The example of the display of power by hegemonic countries like USA has revealed how globalization has played a role in illustration of power to the world. The power in international relationship has been mainly fulfilled due to strong military and economic capacities of strong countries. Such strengths give extra power to countries to rule the world and engage in international relationship with other countries. References Adler-Nissen, R. and Pouliot, V., 2014. Power in practice: Negotiating the international intervention in Libya. European journal of international relations, 20(4), pp.889-911. Barnett, M. and Duvall, R., 2005. Power in international politics. International organization, 59(1), pp.39-75. Baylis, J., Owens, P. and Smith, S. eds., 2017.The globalization of world politics: An introduction to international relations. Oxford University Press. Berenskoetter, F. and Williams, M.J. eds., 2007. Power in world politics. Routledge. Dahl, R.A., 1957. The concept of power. Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 2(3), pp.201-215. Drezner, D.W., 2009. The power and peril of international regime complexity. Perspectives on politics, 7(1), pp.65-70. Finnemore, M., 2009. Legitimacy, hypocrisy, and the social structure of unipolarity. World Politics, 61(1), pp.58-85. Kahler, M. ed., 2015.Networked politics: agency, power, and governance. Cornell University Press.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

A Blessing in Disguise. Essay free essay sample

As we started getting closer to Colorado I started seeing snow on the side of the road and began fantasizing about shredding down the mountain on my board. I couldn’t wait to launch off the huge jumps I had heard about and try new tricks. I day dreamed for the rest of the car ride, not responding to anyone or anything. The car stopped, but I was still day dreaming and didn’t notice until my sister slammed the car door. When I got out of the car I was immediately in awe of how nice the cabin was that we were staying at. I pushed my sister out of the way and quickly ran to go find the best room in the house. After I got all of my luggage in the room, I looked out the window and saw that the cabin was directly on one of the ski runs. We will write a custom essay sample on A Blessing in Disguise. Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This meant that I could go out the back door and be on the slopes. No walking, no lines, and no carrying my gear from the parking lot to the mountain. Once everyone got situated we put on our snow jackets, pants, gloves, and boots, then hit the slopes. The snow was powdery and perfect; I glided down the mountain effortlessly like I was floating on a cloud. This was the first time I had ever snowboarded on such good snow and couldn’t wait to see the rest of the mountain. I had heard about one part of the mountain where there were a bunch of jumps and rails to grind on. I had been on jumps before, but these were like nothing I had ever seen before. I sat at the top of the mountain looking down at the humongous jumps and then decided to take the plunge. I flew down the mountain, not holding back anything; I got up to top speed right as I hit the beginning of the jump. I launched off it like a jet taking off for flight. I turned my body in the air and did a backflip, a trick that took many years to master. I had performed so many backflips that it was second nature, but I got so much air from this jump that I decided mid air to go for a second rotation. That’s right, a double backflip. However, I had misjudged how high up I was and slammed head first into the ground. I laid on the ground shocked with my eyes closed trying to comprehend what had just happened. A guy snowboarding by saw the whole thing happen and yelled â€Å"nice air bro†, sarcastically. When I finally opened my eyes, there were five or six people standing around me. One of the men got down on one knee and said, â€Å"my name is john; I’m a doctor and everything going to be okay. What’s your name? † At this point I was still a little confused as to what happened, but I replied, â€Å"Michael† Finally I realized I had just fallen about ten to fifteen feet directly onto my head. â€Å"Can you see straight; is anything blurry? † asked john. â€Å"Are your fingers or toes tingling? † I responded with a simple â€Å"yes. † John replied, â€Å"Okay, stay laying down and try not to move. We sent for help, the ski patrol are on their way. † The ski patrol arrived at last, after what seemed like forever. â€Å"Thanks for your help, but we can take it from here† muttered the ski patrolman to John. Then he turned to me and said, â€Å"hey, I’m going to need you to stay still. I’m going to strap you onto this sled so I can pull you down to the bottom of the mountain. † â€Å"Okay† I said timidly. Once the ski patrolman had secured me on to the snow stretcher, he pulled me down the mountain using a snowmobile. We reached the bottom where paramedics were waiting to assist me. They picked up my stretcher and carefully placed me into the ambulance. Once we arrived at the small Telluride hospital, the paramedics slid me out of the ambulance and rolled me inside. Then they transferred me from the stretcher to a hospital bed. Within seconds there was a nurse putting I. V. s into my arms and giving me pain medication. The doctor came in and took me to a different room to get x-rays. It took a long time to get the results, but I didn’t mind because I fell asleep due to all of the painkillers I was given. The eventually came in and placed the x-ray on the wall so that I could see and said you’re a very lucky kid. He then went into detail and pointed out where I had a fracture in my neck. He told me that if it were any bigger of a fracture I could have been paralyzed for the rest of my life. I had always taken my life for granted until that moment. During adolescence, I was care free and reckless, not understanding the true value of life as many other teens do. That unfortunate event made me realize how short life is and that it can be taken away so easily. From then on out I have always been grateful for everything given to me, and all of the opportunities I receive. This is an example that anyone can learn from. Because of this accident I changed my ways and became a more thankful person and started appreciating the little things in life. Looking back I’m glad I made the mistake of going for a double backflip because if I had not, I would have never become the person I am today.